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MMU embroidery degree show 2004
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Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
I am inspired by the contrast between light and shade
and the affect it has on us and our environment.

Photography is a tool that I use to create an image,
either by direct use of a camera or by processes
which manipulate an image at the point of developing.

I like using materials which have a translucent quality building
layers to create three dimensional work.

Whilst the finished piece is important to me,
it is the investigative journey travelled that I find most interesting.
This journey dictates the processes that I use to express my ideas.

Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
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