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MMU embroidery degree show 2004
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Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
My work develops from a love of textile and thread. By manipulating and dyeing cloth,
starting from traditional textile techniques learnt from my mother,
I enhance its beauty and develop its strengths.

A background in science and computing leads to an interest in finding patterns,
creating grids or frameworks and the building up of the whole from units.
I am interested in the transformation from craft to art;
in my work a significant momentum for this comes from the use of scale.

I enjoy working to a particular site or theme and
developing ideas from a set starting point.

Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
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