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MMU embroidery degree show 2004
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Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
My work is inspired by the romanticism of the past, transforming historical patterns and styles,
with a modern perspective. This is used to produce couture bridal wear with a contemporary edge.
A careful combination of high-tech methods of embroidery using an industrial multihead (ZSK),
with delicate devore techniques and hand beading is used within each design.

My work encompasses the ideal of femininity using structured garmenting and
a combination of decadent fabrics.The importance of rich colours and textures
is evident in the production of these dramatic one-off bridal designs,
alongside an attention to detail. The combination of style and
glamour is enough to make any bride feel special.
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
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