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MMU embroidery degree show 2004
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Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Colour, pattern and energetic imagery are all important elements of my work.
A lot of my inspiration comes from urban life and graphics.

I create quirky images that are surreal and absurd and translate these into fabric and stitch.
My work is light hearted and humorous, often relating to kitsch or nostalgic themes.

With a strong enthusiasm for sports/street wear and funky evening wear
I apply my designs to garments aimed towards a youthful market.
I see myself as a textile designer for individually made clothing.

Katrina Wight

Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
Preview of students work (click to enlarge)
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