Joe Duffy Prelude + Mobile

David Bellingham

Jacqueline Butler

David Crow

Joe Duffy

Sue Fox

Steve Hawley / Steve Dutton

Alan Jones

Johnny Magee

Gavin Parry

Sylvia Waltering

click here to view movie 'prelude'

click here to view movie 'mobile'

Prelude, depicts the banal functioning of a car wash machine from the point of view of a passenger, an experience that relates the teleogical aspect of society with the mimetic harnessing of nature in an act of simulation. The car wash as metaphorical journey through hyperreality and thus an encounter with technology's relationship to the sublime.

Mobile is a work based on Edward Burne-Jones tapestry,
'The Adoration of the Magi,' which once hung in the Holden Gallery of Manchester Metropolitan University. As a video-piece it explores the original through the trajectory of the Star of David with aeroplanes slowly blinking in and out of the frame like dying stars, simulating and uniting, temporarily, with the constellations, whilst the star itself reverses its appearance to liken an aeroplane travelling its path. Contemporary navigational systems are cross-referenced with the magi's biblical journey and the early learning stimuli of the mobile in an examination of the relationship between technology and religion.

