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21 October 2004

Schools failing in modern languages

MMU study's lessons for Government

Only one in 30 primary schools gives all seven to 11-year-olds weekly foreign language lessons, according to MMU research.

Fewer than half offer pupils any lessons in French, Spanish or German and only a third do so within the school day, the study by MMU, Christ Church University College and King’s College, London, found.

Published in a report by the Department for Education and Skills, the study sets out the scale of the challenge facing schools to meet the government’s promise that by 2010, every child will be taught a modern language within the school day during key stage 2.

Even primaries teaching a language reported a lack of certainly about the subject’s future and two-fifths said provision was not assured.

The study said ministers needed to provide additional resources and training for teachers and ensure schools have sufficient curriculum time, if languages are to flourish.

“The substantial funding implications of delivering the primary modern language entitlement should not be underestimated. Pupils need at least one half-hour session each week plus daily exposure during other lessons if they are to build competence in another language.”

The report is based on questionnaires completed by more than 3,000 schools, 2,825 primary teachers and 113 councils in England.

Only two councils, which were not named, said that more than 80 per cent of their schools currently offer modern foreign languages, mostly French.

A third of teachers not teaching languages said they would be keen to do so but many are discouraged by a lack of skills and knowledge. Only 8.5 per cent described themselves as fluent or fairly fluent in a language.

MMU’s Institute of Education, the largest teacher training provider in the north of England, is taking part in a national pilot scheme to train primary teachers in modern languages. The 12-week courses are run in French, Spanish and German. Contact Cathy Brady on 0161 247 2368/2347.

The provision of foreign language learning for pupils at key stage 2 by Dr Patricia Driscoll, Christ Church University College, Canterbury, Dr Gee Macrory, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dr Jane Jones, King’s College, London.